
Integrating various methods of assessment into the course design is essential to help 学生达到学习成果. 评估应该:

  • 与学生的学习成果保持一致.
  • 融入课程设计.
  • 包括形成性和总结性的元素.
  • 评估高阶和低阶技能.

造型的 & 总结性评估

Assessments are used at the end of a 学习 unit to measure the knowledge students 获得了. 传统上,评估机制采取了高风险的形式 objective-based tests 和 quizzes (multiple-choice, true-false, fill-in, short answer). Truly underst和ing how much a student is 学习 in the distance education environment, 然而,这意味着合并 真实的评估 aimed at evaluating not just students’ knowledge, but also how well they are able 将知识应用于 现实世界中需要高阶认知技能的任务.

When creating assessments for a course, it is helpful to think 的 two major types 的评估, 造型的 和 总结性.


Assessment that is carried out in order to form a picture 的 学习 process. 造型的 assessments are ongoing 和 can be used by both the student 和 instructor to gather information about how well the course is meeting the needs 的 students. With 造型的 assessments student participation plays an active role, as feedback 是用来发展和设定目标,以进一步提高学生的学习成果. 讨论 posts, journals 和 portfolio reflections are examples of this type of assessment.


用来衡量学生所学/掌握的内容的评估. Summative assessments involve assigning a 年级 和 are generally the most common 传统课堂环境下的评估形式. 单元测试结束 学期论文就是这种评估的例子. 


It might seem that 造型的 和 总结性 assessments are mutually exclusive. 然而, 当评估是课程设计的一个连贯部分时,通常会有 平衡 两种评估类型. 当形成性评估与 总结性 assessments, they will provide a more complete portrait of student 学习. 这也被称为 连续评估.For example, instructor feedback on term paper outlines 和 drafts 和 peer reviews 可以被学生用作收到字母等级的最终草稿吗. 在这个 面向流程的方法 to assessment, both the instructor 和 student adjust their teaching 和 学习 during the first part 的 project, resulting in a final product that receives a 年级. 

真实的评价 & 课程设计

When incorporating 造型的 和 真实的评估 into course design, assessment shifts from the evaluation of knowledge through an isolated testing event to a measure 的 表演 (被称为 绩效评估学生学了多少. 评估不再与单一等级挂钩 期中或期末考试,而是被视为 课程设计不可或缺, 和 determines what instructors need to do to adjust their teaching in order to 满足学生的学习成果.


许多示例任务 在布鲁姆分类法的表中列出 can be used as 造型的 assessments for projects that are formally evaluated. 因为 assessment in the traditional classroom is often limited to one quiz or test that demonstrates recall (和/or perhaps just guessing) of information, instructors have 可用于评估学生学习情况的信息较少. 使用正品时 assessments, however, instructors have more documentation 和 are therefore able to 更深入地了解学生对内容的实际理解.

The same holds true for midterm 和 final projects where, instead of having a single 高风险的考试,评估可以基于一个较长期的项目. 每一步 assessment task is integrated into the course 和 completed incrementally over a period 的时间. 通过这种方式,学生在早期就能得到老师的反馈 一个项目,然后可以根据需要调整他们的工作.

This means that students are not only evaluated on how well they do on the final project, but also on their ability to incorporate instructor (和 perhaps peer) feedback into 他们的最终产品. Performance then becomes a process linked to 学习 outcomes as opposed to a recitation 的内容.


Another type of alternative assessment used in a variety of professional 和 academic 设置是投资组合. 作品集就是学生的手工制品的集合 compiles which includes reflections about how each artifact has contributed to his/her 学习.


  • 培养他们的批判性思维和高级学习技能.
  • Become reflective learners, that is, students are able to assess 和 show their own 学习过程.
  • 熟悉新的技术工具.
  • 为职业相关目标准备专业材料.


  • 更全面地了解学生的学习情况.
  • 评估学生在一段时间内的进步.
  • Underst和 the process that their individual learners undertake to reach their academic 目标.
  • 欣赏他们的学生在更广泛的学术团体中所做的事情.

虽然作品集是一个分级项目,但它也是 自我评价评价机制. This means that the goal of a portfolio is not simply for students to complete new assignments, but rather to reflect on 和 communicate to their instructors what they have learned, what they could have changed during the course 的 semester 和 how they intend to apply their knowledge to their academic or professional lives. 投资组合 are an opportunity for the student to demonstrate the ways in which they have connected 课程内容. 此外,在实践层面上,创造的过程 portfolios provides students with an opportunity to hone their professional 和 critical 思维能力.

e投资组合 are simply portfolios that use some form of interactive web-based application to 编译工件和反射. CANVAS LMS有一个ePortfolio工具可以 轻松融入在线、混合和面对面的课堂. 的ePortfolio in CANVAS is not linked to a specific class, but rather to a registered PCC student’s 个人帐户. 注册的学生可以在CANVAS上创建尽可能多的作品集 they wish – whether it is assigned for a specific course, program of study, or for 个人/专业使用.

To find out more about how to create e投资组合 in the CANVAS LMS, check out the ePortfolio节 的 帆布教练指南.


Objective tests focus on discrete items where one thing at a time is tested in isolation. Using 真实的评估, however, means that instructors need to approach evaluation 不同的. 而不是寻找一个问题的具体答案,整个学生 work is assessed holistically based on a set of criteria relevant to the project. 这是通过使用 评估准则.


评估准则 are tools that outline the quality st和ards for student success in an assessment. Descriptions in a rubric are directly linked to the 学习 objectives of a particular 任务或项目. 当这些基准被使用并给予学生之前 到交作业的时候,学生们知道他们应该做什么. 这给了 students more opportunities to reflect on 和 revise their work 和 ultimately more 对自己学习的控制或自主.


  • 更紧密地将评估与学生的学习成果结合起来.
  • 清楚地沟通课程和老师的期望.
  • 评估更广泛的技能和表现.
  • 给予学生更大的学习自主权.
  • 评估学生作业的过程和成果.


There are two main types of 评估准则 used in higher education – analytic 和 holistic. While each type of rubric has advantages 和 disadvantages, in distance education, analytic 评估准则 are used most often because 的 amount of detailed feedback they 提供学生.

  • 成功的标准单独列出.
  • 提供更详细的性能反馈.
  • 关注成功的标准.
  • 花更多的时间去创造(一开始).
  • 是否用于评估真实的评估.
  • 成功的标准都列在一起.
  • 提供有关性能的一般信息
  • 关注表现的尺度.
  • 花更少的时间去创造.
  • 通常用于评估一般熟练程度.

看看这个例子 德保罗大学的一个分析和整体的准则.


Numerous resources exist for creating 和 modifying 评估准则 for distance education 课程. 许多网站,如RubiStar,都有可以修改的规则 个别课程需求. 大多数像CANVAS这样的学习管理系统也具有互动性 在评分过程中帮助评分的工具. 有关如何获得更详细的信息 要创建规则,请查看 创建规则PDF.